We spent yesterday on a wild adventure driving 3 hours west of Addis Ababa to a breathtaking lake called “Crater Lake.” The last hour of driving was in our big bus on rocky roads and steep ravines. We brought along tons of food so we could pass it out to the many children we saw along the way. When we would stop they would crowd the bus wanting a glimpse us and oh so pleased when we had treats to give them. Tamerat wanted to give them his new backback that Kim had given him which made me tear. He ended up giving the pants he was wearing to a little boy who had pants on that were so badly shredded and pinned together with big safety pins. You could see his entire legs through the pants. We had brought an extra pair of shorts for Tam and he wanted to give him his pants.
Once we arrived we rode on horseback down to the lake. What an exciting experience for al of us. Each of us were on our own horse and led by guides. The guides ranged in age to 10 years old to 70 years old. We had quite a following of locals as we made our way down to the lake. It was of course Tam’s first time on a horse and he loved it.
Traveling that far out into the country is like stepping back in time. We saw the most beautiful landscape and countryside and the people were so friendly and curious. It was great to get out of the hustle and bustle of Addis.
Here is a picture of some of the children we met along our visit to Crater Lake. These kids have little or nothing and spend their days tending the livestock or taking care of each other. Some of the girls had little bouquets they were trying to sell. They are precious!
We are packing today as our flight leaves tonight and arrives in Dulles at 7:55am. We won’t clear customs till probably 8:45. It’s going to be a long flight as we leave at 10:30pm and fly all night. Both Stefan and I have picked us a hacking cough and I am praying it’s nothing to major. We are all so thankful for God’s hand of safety and provision while we are here. We could not have asked for a better trip or a better son! We look forward to seeing all of you upon our return. Will try and post once more before we leave with a picture.
We spent yesterday on a wild adventure driving 3 hours west of Addis Ababa to a breathtaking lake called “Crater Lake.” The last hour of driving was in our big bus on rocky roads and steep ravines. We brought along tons of food so we could pass it out to the many children we saw along the way. When we would stop they would crowd the bus wanting a glimpse us and oh so pleased when we had treats to give them. Tamerat wanted to give them his new backback that Kim had given him which made me tear. He ended up giving the pants he was wearing to a little boy who had pants on that were so badly shredded and pinned together with big safety pins. You could see his entire legs through the pants. We had brought an extra pair of shorts for Tam and he wanted to give him his pants.
Once we arrived we rode on horseback down to the lake. What an exciting experience for al of us. Each of us were on our own horse and led by guides. The guides ranged in age to 10 years old to 70 years old. We had quite a following of locals as we made our way down to the lake. It was of course Tam’s first time on a horse and he loved it.
Traveling that far out into the country is like stepping back in time. We saw the most beautiful landscape and countryside and the people were so friendly and curious. It was great to get out of the hustle and bustle of Addis.
We are packing today as our flight leaves tonight and arrives in Dulles at 7:55am. We won’t clear customs till probably 8:45. It’s going to be a long flight as we leave at 10:30pm and fly all night. Both Stefan and I have picked us a hacking cough and I am praying it’s nothing to major. We are all so thankful for God’s hand of safety and provision while we are here. We could not have asked for a better trip or a better son! We look forward to seeing all of you upon our return. Will try and post once more before we leave with a picture.